Which version of the PMBOK Guide should you study for the PMP Exam?

PMBOK Seventh Edition is NOT a PMP exam prep tool
PMBOK Guide 6th edition

The Project Management Institute (PMI) lists A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) as one of many reference to help you prepare for the PMP exam. Which edition of the PMBOK Guide should you use, the PMBOK 6th edition or the PMBOK 7th editon?
Some of both, and here’s why. PMI’s PMP Exam Content Outline (ECO) is the true source of what the PMP exam tests candidates on. It lists the three domains (People, Process, and Business Environment) and the 35 Tasks that project managers need to demonstrate understanding of to pass the PMP exam.

While the ECO explains the topics (domains) and items (tasks) in the exam, it does not explain how to perform them. For this, the question writers refer to a dozen reference source books. The PMBOK Guide 6th edition is one, and the PMBOK 7th edition is another (along with other books on general project management and agile/hybrid life cycles.)

The fact that the exam is based on the ECO is not widely known. Years ago, many people focused their PMP reading preparation on the PMBOK Guide and got away with it since the PMBOK Guide was often used as one of the references for a question. However, now the scope of the exam has expanded to include hybrid and agile life cycles, leadership and emotional intelligence, relying on the PMBOK Guide (any edition) is no longer sufficient.

Proper training and guidance saves time and money.

This common misunderstanding regarding the PMBOK Guide can lead PMP candidates down a less efficient path of studies. Working with an Authorized Training Partner (ATP) will help you to avoid costly missteps. The role of an ATP is to help you efficiently navigate exam prep materials in order to best prepare you for the exam. We support you along every step of the certification journey with the end goal of passing your PMP exam with confidence.

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Project Management Institute, Talent Gap: Ten-Year Employment Trends, Costs, and Global Implications. PMI.org

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