How To Report PDUs to PMI (Including Demo Video)

In order to maintain your PMI Certification you will need to follow the requirements of the Continuing Certification Requirements or CCR, program. You will need to earn and then report Professional Development Units, or PDUs. PDUs are one-hour blocks of time that you spend learning, teaching others, or volunteering. To report PDUs to PMI you can navigate from, or you can go directly to


PMI has established Continuing Certification Requirements (CCRs) for each certification.

All PMI certifications follow the Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR) program, earn professional development units (PDUs.), and ensure that your certified competencies stay relevant and up-to-date.

All PDU activities align with the Exam Content Outline (ECO) for your certification. You can review the CCR Handbook to understand the PDU amounts needed and the qualifying activities for your certification. There are many opportunities to earn PDUs. More specific details can be found in the PMI CCR Handbook, along with additional resources at


This chart from the PMI CCR Handbook shows the distribution of PDUs for each certification. Each PMI certification has different CCR requirements. For the latest edition of the handbook, please visit


One of the benefits of working with a PMI Authorized Training Partner or ATP, is that PDUs can be submitted for pre-approval by the ATP. PMI assigns a claim code for this course, which makes it very easy for you to claim.

You can navigate from, or you can go directly to This screen might seem overwhelming but we make it easy for you. You simply add the PDU Claim Code. The system will automatically populate the course details and PDU amounts for you. All you have to do is provide the dates. You will also be asked to rate the course. Creating fresh and interesting content is a lot of work for an ATP, and we always appreciate a good review.

Just a quick note. If you are not working with an ATP you can still report your PDUs but you will need to select one of the other options and write out the full description of the activity. It is possible that a poor description or unclear details could result in an audit by PMI, so it is helpful to keep good records of your professional development activities. Again, this should only be an issue if you are manually entering your details without a claim code.

For a complete demo of reporting PDUs to PMI, watch the following video.

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